[Journal papers / ジャーナル論文]
[Conference proceedings / 会議論文]
[Books and tutorials / 書籍・解説]
[International conferences / 国際会議発表]
[National conferences and meeting / 国内会議・研究会発表]
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⋄Journal papers (referred)
- H. Inoue, H. Tamura, A. Kitoh, X. Chen, Z. Byambadorj, T. Yajima, Y. Hotta, T. Iizuka, G. Tanaka, I. H. Inoue
Taming Prolonged Ionic Drift–Diffusion Dynamics for Brain-Inspired Computation
Advanced Materials, 2407326 (2024) - J. Mao, Y. Han, G. Tanaka, and B. Wang
Backbone-based Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network for Epidemic Forecasting
Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 296, 111952 (2024) - J. Kato, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose
Reconstructive Reservoir Computing for Anomaly Detection in Time-Series Signals
NOLTA Journal, vol. 15, pp.183-204 (2024) - R. Nakane, A. Hirose, and G. Tanaka
Performance enhancement of a spin-wave-based reservoir computing system utilizing different physical conditions
Physical Review Applied, vol. 19, 034047 (2023) - Z. Li, Y. Liu, and G. Tanaka
Multi-Reservoir Echo State Networks with Hodrick-Prescott Filter for Nonlinear Time-Series Prediction
Applied Soft Computing, vol. 135, 110021 (2023) - J. Chen, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Film-penetrating transducers applicable to on-chip reservoir computing with spin waves
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 132, 123902 (2022) - X. Hong, Y. Han, G. Tanaka, and B. Wang
Co-evolution dynamics of epidemic and information under dynamical multi-source information and behavioral responses
Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. 252, 109413 (2022) - G. Tanaka, T. Matsumori, H. Yoshida, and K. Aihara
Reservoir computing with diverse timescales for prediction of multiscale dynamics
Physical Review Research, vol. 4, L032014 (2022) - Z. Tong, R. Nakane, A. Hirose, and G. Tanaka
A Simple Memristive Circuit for Pattern Classification Based on Reservoir Computing
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 32, No. 9, 2260141 (2022) - G. Tanaka and R. Nakane
Simulation platform for pattern recognition based on reservoir computing with memristor networks
Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 9868 (2022) - D. V. Christensen et al.
2022 Roadmap on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering
Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, vol. 2, 022501 (2022) - T. Akiyama and G. Tanaka
Computational efficiency of multi-step learning echo state networks for nonlinear time series prediction
IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 28535-28544 (2022) - Z. Li and G. Tanaka
Multi-Reservoir Echo State Networks with Sequence Resampling for Nonlinear Time-Series Prediction
Neurocomputing, vol. 467, pp. 115-129 (2022) - R. Nakane, A. Hirose, and G. Tanaka
Spin waves propagating through a stripe magnetic domain structure and their applications to reservoir computing
Physical Review Research, vol. 3, 033243 (2021) - H. Tamura and G. Tanaka
Transfer-RLS method and transfer-FORCE learning for simple and fast training of reservoir computing models
Neural Networks, vol.143, pp.550-563 (2021) - T. Ichimura, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
A numerical exploration of signal detector arrangement in a spin-wave reservoir computing chip
IEEE Access, vol.9, pp.72637-72646 (2021) - B. Wang, M. Gou, Y.K. Guo, G. Tanaka, and Y. Han
Network structure-based interventions on spatial spread of epidemics in metapopulation networks
Physical Review E, vol. 102, 062306 (2020) - D. Ito, R. Shirasawa, Y. Iino, S. Tomiya, and G. Tanaka
Estimation and prediction of ellipsoidal molecular shapes in organic crystals based on ellipsoid packing
PLOS ONE, vol. 15, no.9, e0239933 (2020) - C. T. Urabe, G. Tanaka, T. Oshima, A. Maruyama, T. Misaki, N. Okabe, and K. Aihara
Comparing catch-up vaccination programs based on analysis of 2012-13 rubella outbreak in Kawasaki City, Japan
PLOS ONE, vol. 15, no. 8, e0237312 (2020) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, T. Takeuchi, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, Y. Katayama, and A. Hirose
Spatially Arranged Sparse Recurrent Neural Networks for Energy Efficient Associative Memory
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 31, issue 1, pp. 24-38 (2020) - A. Matsuki and G. Tanaka
Intervention threshold for epidemic control in susceptible-infected-recovered metapopulation models
Physical Review E, vol. 100, 022302 (2019) - G. Tanaka, T. Yamane, J. B. Heroux, R. Nakane, N. Kanazawa, S. Takeda, H. Numata, D. Nakano, and A. Hirose
Recent Advances in Physical Reservoir Computing: A Review
Neural Networks, vol. 115, pp. 100-123 (2019) - Z. Tong and G. Tanaka
Hybrid pooling for enhancement of generalization ability in deep convolutional neural networks
Neurocomputing, vol. 333. pp. 76-85 (2019) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara
Bifurcation mechanism for emergence of spontaneous oscillations in coupled heterogeneous excitable units
Physical Review E, vol. 98, 052210 (2018) - G. Tanaka, E. Dominguez-Huttinger, P. Christodoulides, K. Aihara, and R. J Tanaka
Bifurcation analysis of a mathematical model of atopic dermatitis to determine patient-specific effects of treatments on dynamic phenotypes
Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 448, pp. 66-79 (2018) - R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Reservoir Computing With Spin Waves Excited in a Garnet Film
IEEE Access, vol. 6, pp. 4462-4469 (2018) - T. Yuan and G. Tanaka
Robustness of coupled oscillator networks with heterogeneous natural frequencies
Chaos, vol. 27, 123105 (2017) - B. Wang, Y. Han, and G. Tanaka
Interplay between epidemic spread and information propagation on metapopulation networks
Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 420, pp. 18-25 (2017) - M. Nagata, Y. Hirata, N. Fujiwara, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara,
Smoothing effect for spatially distributed renewable resources and its impact on power grid robustness
Chaos, vol. 27, 033104 (2017) - T. Yuan, K. Aihara, and G. Tanaka,
Robustness and Fragility in Coupled Oscillator Networks under Targeted Attacks
Physicial Review E, vol. 95, 012315 (2017) - C. T. Urabe, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara, and M. Mimura,
Parameter Scaling for Epidemic Size in a Spatial Epidemic Model with Mobile Individuals,
PLOS ONE, vol. 11, no. 12, e0168127 (2016) - K. Inoue, H. Shinohara, M. Behar, N. Yumoto, G. Tanaka, A. Hoffmann, K. Aihara, and M. Okada-Hatakeyama
Oscillation Dynamics Underlie Functional Switching of NF-kB for B Cell Activation,
npj Systems Biology and Applications, vol. 2, article no. 16024 (2016) - Y. Katayama, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka,
Wave-Based Neuromorphic Computing Framework for Brain-Like Energy Efficiency and Integration,
IEEE Transcations on Nanotechnology, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 762-769 (2016) - B.-G. Zhang, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara, M. Honda, S. Kaneko, and L. Chen,
Dynamics of an HBV model with drug resistance under intermittent antiviral therapy,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 25, no. 7, 1540011 (2015) - Y. Hirata, K. Morino, K. Akakura, C. S. Higano, N. Bruchovsky, T. Gambol, S. Hall, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Intermittent androgen suppression: estimating parameters for individual patients based on initial PSA data in response toandrogen deprivation therapy,
PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 6, e0130372 (2015) - T. Sasai, K. Morino, G. Tanaka, J. A. Almendral, and K. Aihara,
Robustness of oscillatory behavior in correlated networks,
PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 4, e0123722 (2015) - D. Takeuchi, G. Tanaka, R. Fujie, and H. Suzuki,
Public Opinion Formation with the Spiral of Silence on Complex Social Networks,
Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, IEICE, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 15–25 (2015) - B. Wang, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara,
Epidemic spread on interconnected metapopulation networks,
Physical Review E, vol. 90, 032806 (2014) - G. Tanaka, C. Urabe, K. Aihara,
Random and Targeted Interventions for Epidemic Control in Metapopulation Models,
Scientific Reports, vol. 4, 5522 (2014) - M. Nagata, N. Fujiwara, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, E. Kohda and K. Aihara,
Node-wise Robustness against Fluctuations of Power Consumption in Power Grids,
European Physical Journal Special Topics, DOI:10.1140/epjst/e2014-02215-x (2014) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, H. Daido, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical Robustness of Coupled Heterogeneous Oscillators,
Physical Review E, vol. 89, issue 5, 052906 (2014) - I. Nishikawa, K. Iwayama, G. Tanaka, T. Horita, and K. Aihara,
Finite-size scaling in globally coupled phase oscillators with a general coupling scheme,
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, vol. 2014, issue 2, 023A07 (2014) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Efficient recovery of dynamic behavior in coupled oscillator networks,
Physical Review E, vol. 88, 032909 (2013) - I. Nishikawa, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Nonstandard scaling law of fluctuations in finite-size systems of globally coupled oscillators,
Physical Review E, vol. 88, no. 2, 024102 (2013) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Effects of Seasonal Variation Patterns on Recurrent Outbreaks in Epidemic Models,
Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 317, pp. 87-95 (2013) - I. Nishikawa, G. Tanaka, T. Horita, and K. Aihara,
Long-term fluctuations in globally coupled phase oscillators with general coupling: finite size effects,
Chaos, vol. 22, issue 1, 013133 (2012) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical robustness in complex networks: the crucial role of low-degree nodes,
Scientific Reports, vol. 2, 232 (2012) - Y. Hirata, G. Tanaka, N. Bruchovsky, and K. Aihara,
Mathematically modelling and controlling prostate cancer under intermittent hormone therapy,
Asian Journal of Andrology, vol. 14, issue 2, pp. 270-277 (2012) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Robustness of Multilayer Oscillator Networks,
Physical Review E, vol. 83, 056208 (2011) - G. Tanaka, Y. Hirata, N. Bruchovsky, S. Goldenberg, and K. Aihara,
Mathematical Modelling of Prostate Cancer Growth and its Application to Hormone Therapy,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, vol. 368, pp. 5029-5044 (2010) - G. Tanaka, Y. Okada, and K. Aihara,
Phase Transitions in Mixed Populations Composed of Two Types of Self-Oscillatory Elements with Different Periods,
Physical Review E, vol. 82, no. 3, 035202(R) (2010) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Complex-Valued Multistate Associative Memory with Nonlinear Multilevel Functions for Gray-Level Image Reconstruction,
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 1463-1473 (2009) - G. Tanaka, S. Tsuji, and K. Aihara,
Grazing-Induced Crises in Hybrid Dynamical Systems,
Physics Letters A, vol. 373, no. 35, pp. 3134-3139 (2009) - G. Tanaka, K. Tsumoto, S. Tsuji, and K. Aihara,
Bifurcation Analysis on a Hybrid Systems Model of Intermittent Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer,
Physica D, vol. 237, pp. 2616-2627 (2008) - A. Ideta, G. Tanaka, T. Takeuchi, and K. Aihara,
A Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression for Prostate Cancer,
Journal of Nonlinear Science, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 593-614 (2008) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Collective Skipping: Aperiodic Phase Locking in Ensembles of Bursting Oscillators,
Europhysics Letters, vol. 78, 10003 (2007) - B. Ibarz, G. Tanaka, M. A. F. Sanjuan, and K. Aihara,
Sensitivity versus resonance in two-dimensional spiking-bursting neuron models,
Physical Review E, vol. 75, 041902 (2007) - G. Tanaka, B. Ibarz, M. A. F. Sanjuan, and K. Aihara,
Synchronization and Propagation of Bursts in Networks of Coupled Map Neurons,
Chaos, vol. 16, no. 1, 013113 (2006) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Multistate Associative Memory with Parametrically Coupled Map Networks,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1395-1410 (2005) - G. Tanaka, M. A. F. Sanjuan, and K. Aihara,
Crisis-induced Intermittency in Two Coupled Chaotic Maps: Towards Understanding Chaotic Itinerancy,
Physical Review E, vol. 71, no. 1, 016219 (2005) - G. Tanaka, S. Murashige, and K. Aihara,
Bifurcation Structures of Period-Adding Phenomena in an Ocean Internal Wave Model,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 13, no. 11, pp. 3409-3424 (2003)
⋄Conference proceedings (referred)
- Z. Li, K. Fujiwara, and G. Tanaka
Designing Network Topologies of Multiple Reservoir Echo State Networks: A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach
Proceedings of 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-9 (2024)
DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN60899.2024.10650945 - Z. Li, K. Fujiwara, and G. Tanaka
Dynamical Graph Echo State Networks with Snapshot Merging for Dissemination Process Classification,
International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), CCIS, vol. 1964, pp.523-534, Oral, Nov. 23 (2023) - Z. Li, K. Fujiwara, and G. Tanaka
An Echo State Network-Based Method for Identity Recognition with Continuous Blood Pressure Data,
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), LNCS, vol. 14257, pp.13-25, Oral (remote), July 27 (2023) - J. Chen, H. Chen, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Time-Domain Fading Channel Prediction Based on Spin-Wave Reservoir Computing,
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Poster, June 21 (2023) - H. Inoue, H. Tamura, A. Kitoh, X. Chen, Z. Byambadorj, T. Yajima, Y. Hotta, T. Iizuka, G. Tanaka and I. H. Inoue,
Long-Time-Constant Leaky-Integrating Oxygen-Vacancy Drift-Diffusion FET for Human-Interactive Spiking Reservoir Computing,
IEEE Symposium on VLSI Technology and Circuits, Digest of Technical Papers, Oral, June 13 (2023) - J. Chen, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Proposal of Film-penetrating Transducers for a Spin-wave Reservoir Computing Chip
Proc. 2024 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp.1-7 (2022)
DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN55064.2022.9892365 - J. Kato, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, and A. Hirose
Proposal of Reconstructive Reservoir Computing to Detect Anomaly in Time-series Signals
Proc. 2022 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp.1-6 (2022)
DOI: 10.1109/IJCNN55064.2022.9892805 - Z. Li and G. Tanaka
A Multi-Reservoir Echo State Network with Multiple-Size Input Time Slices for Nonlinear Time-Series Prediction
Proc. International Conference on Neural Information Processing (ICONIP), pp. 28-39 (2021) - H. Tamura and G. Tanaka
partial-FORCE: a fast and robust online training method for recurrent neural networks
Proc. International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), pp. 1-8 (2021) - H. Tamura and G. Tanaka
Two-Step FORCE Learning Algorithm for Fast Convergence in Reservoir Computing
Proc. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN), pp. 459-469 (2020) - Z. Li and G. Tanaka
Deep Echo State Networks with Multi-Span Features for Nonlinear Time Series Prediction
Proc. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (Virtual, Jul. 19-24), N-21214 (9 pages) (2020) - Z. Li and G. Tanaka
HP-ESN: Echo State Networks Combined with Hodrick-Prescott Filter for Nonlinear Time-Series Prediction
Proc. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (Virtual, Jul. 19-24), N-21788 (9 pages) (2020) - T. Ichimura, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Spatial distribution of information effective for logic function learning in spin-wave reservoir computing chip utilizing spatiotemporal physical dynamics
Proc. 2020 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (Virtual, Jul. 19-24), N-21140 (8 pages) (2020) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose
Echo State Networks Composed of Units with Time-Varying Nonlinearity
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (Sydney, Dec. 12-15), pp.34-39 (2019) - A. Matsuki and G. Tanaka
Role of high-degree nodes in the metastability of a resting-state network model
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (Kuara Lumpur, Dec. 2-6), pp. 58-61 (2019) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose
Effect of Variability on Nonlinear Dynamics of Memristive Networks
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (Kuara Lumpur, Dec. 2-6), pp. 179-182 (2019) - T. Akiyama and G. Tanaka
Echo State Network with Adversarial Training
Proceedings of the 28th Int. Conf. Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN, Munich, Sep. 17-19, Poster, Sep. 19), pp. 82-88 (2019) - T. Akiyama and G. Tanaka
Analysis on Characteristics of Multi-Step Learning Echo State Networks for Nonlinear Time Series Prediction
Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks (IJCNN, Budapest, July 14-19, Oral, July 17), N-19193 (2019) - R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Numerical Analysis on Wave Dynamics in a Spin-Wave Reservoir for Machine Learning
Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Neural Networks (IJCNN, Budapest, July 14-19, Oral, July 16), N-20170 (2019) - D. Ito, R. Shirasawa, S. Hattori, S. Tomiya, G. Tanaka
Prediction of molecular packing motifs in organic crystals by neural graph fingerprints
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Siem Reap, Dec. 14-16, Oral, Dec. 15) LNCS 11301, pp. 26-34 (2018) - A. Hirose, G. Tanaka, S. Takeda, T. Yamane, H. Numata, N. Kanazawa, J. B. Heroux, D. Nakano, R. Nakane,
Proposal of carrier-wave reservoir computing
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Siem Reap, Dec. 14-16, Oral, Dec. 14) LNCS 11301, pp. 616-624 (2018) - T. Yamane, H. Numata, J. B. Heroux, N. Kanazawa, S. Takeda, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose, and D. Nakano
Dimensionality Reduction by Reservoir Computing and Its Application to IoT Edge Computing
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Siem Reap, Dec. 14-16, Oral, Dec. 14) LNCS 11301, pp. 635-643 (2018) - Z. Tong and G. Tanaka
Reservoir Computing with Untrained Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
Proc. International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR, Beijing, Aug. 20-24, Poster, Aug. 22), pp. 1289-1294 (2018) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, T. Yamane, S. Takeda, D. Nakano, S. Nakagawa, A. Hirose
Nonlinear Dynamics of Memristive Networks and its Application to Reservoir Computing
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 4-7, Oral, Dec. 5), pp. 182-185 (2017) - A. Hirose, S. Takeda, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, S. Nakagawa, R. Nakane, and G. Tanaka
Complex-Valued Neural Networks to Realize Energy-Efficient Neural Networks Including Reservoir Computing
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Cancun, Mexico, Dec. 4-7, Oral, Dec. 5), pp. 186-188 (2017) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, T. Yamane, S. Takeda, D. Nakano, S. Nakagawa, A. Hirose
Waveform Classification by Memristive Reservoir Computing
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Guangzhou, Nov. 14-18, Oral, Nov. 15), pp. 457-465 (2017) - A. Hirose, S. Takeda, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, S. Nakagawa, R. Nakane, and G. Tanaka
Complex-valued neural networks for wave-based realization of reservoir computing
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Guangzhou, Nov. 14-18, Oral, Nov. 15), pp. 449-456 (2017) - T. Yamane, S. Takeda, D. Nakano, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose, S. Nakagawa
Simulation Study of Physical Reservoir Computing by Nonlinear Deterministic Time Series Analysis
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Guangzhou, Nov. 14-18, Oral, Nov. 15), pp. 639-647 (2017) - T. Yuan, K. Aihara, G. Tanaka
Theory for Dynamical Robustness of Complex Networks against Targeted Attacks
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and Its Applications (NOLTA, Yugawara, Nov. 27-30, Oral, Nov. 30), pp. 602-605 (2016) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, S. Takeda, S. Nakagawa, and A. Hirose,
Exploiting Heterogeneous Units for Reservoir Computing with Simple Architecture
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Kyoto, Oct. 16-21, Oral, Oct. 17), Springer International Publishing, pp. 187-194 (2016) - R. Mori, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose, and K. Aihara,
Computational Performance of Echo State Networks with Dynamic Synapses
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Kyoto, Oct. 16-21, Oral, Oct. 17), Springer International Publishing, pp. 264-271 (2016) - S. Takeda, D. Nakano, T. Yamane, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose, and S. Nakagawa
Photonic Reservoir Computing Based on Laser Dynamics with External Feedback
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Kyoto, Oct. 16-21, Oral, Oct. 17), Springer International Publishing, pp. 222-230 (2016) - T. Yamane, S. Takeda, D. Nakano, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, S. Nakagawa, and A. Hirose,
Dynamics of reservoir computing at the edge of stability
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Kyoto, Oct. 16-21, Oral, Oct. 17), Springer International Publishing, pp. 205-212 (2016) - Z. Tong, K. Aihara, and G. Tanaka
A Hybrid Pooling Method for Convolutional Neural Networks
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Kyoto, Oct. 16-21, Oral, Oct. 18), Springer International Publishing, pp. 454-461 (2016) - G. Tanaka,
An Application of Dynamical Robustness Analysis to Power Grids,
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, HongKong, Dec. 1-4, Oral, Dec. 2) pp. 30-33 (2015) - M. Nagata, Y. Hirata, N. Fujiwara, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara,
Detecting Early Warning Signals for Blackouts in Power Grids from theViewpoint of Nonlinear Dynamics,
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, HongKong, Dec. 1-4, Oral, Dec. 2), pp. 22-25 (2015) - T. Yamane, Y. Katayama, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and D. Nakano,
Wave-based reservoir computing by synchronization of coupled oscillators,
Proc. Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Istanbul, Nov. 9-12, Oral, Nov. 11), In S. Arik et al. (Eds.): ICONIP 2015, Part III, LNCS 9491, pp. 198-205 (2015) - Y. Katayama, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, R. Nakane, and G. Tanaka,
Wave-Based Neuromorphic Computing Framework Toward Atomic-Scale Integration,
The 15th Int. Conf. on Nanotechnology (IEEE NANO, Rome, Jul. 27-30, Oral, Jul. 27) (2015) - Y. Katayama, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, R. Nakane, and G. Tanaka,
Wave-Based Device Scaling Concept for Brain-Like Energy Efficiency and Integration,
IEEE/ACM Int. Symp. on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH, Boston, Jul. 8-10, Oral, Jul. 8), pp. 23-24 (2015) - Z. Tong and G. Tanaka,
A Pruning Method Based on Weight Variation Information for Feedforward Neural Networks,
The 4th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems (Tokyo, Aug. 26-28, Oral, Aug. 28), pp. 221-226 (2015) - G. Tanaka, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, R. Nakane, and Y. Katayama,
Regularity and Randomness in Modular Network Structures for Neural Associative Memories
Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks (IJCNN, Jul. 12-17, Oral, Jul. 14) pp. 1-7 (2015) - G. Tanaka, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, R. Nakane, and Y. Katayama,
Hopfield-Type Associative Memory with Sparse Modular Networks,
The 21st Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Kuching, Nov. 3-6, Oral, Nov. 5), In L.C. Kiong et al. (Eds.) ICONIP 2014, Part I, LNCS, vol. 8834, pp. 255-262 (2014) - M. Nagata, N. Fujiwara, I. Nishikawa, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, and K. Aihara,
Phase-model analysis of supply stability in power grid of Eastern Japan
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Santa Fe, Sep. 8-11, Oral, Sep. 9), pp. 69-72 (2013) - G. Chesi, G. Tanaka, Y. Hirata, and K. Aihara,
On the Analysis of the Bifurcation Sets of Equilibrium Points in Parameter Space,
Proc. 2013 European Control Conference (Zurich, Jul. 17-19, Oral, Jul. 17), pp. 670-675 (2013) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical robustness in synaptically coupled neuronal networks,
Proc. Int. Symp. Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Mallorca, Oct. 22-26, Oral, Oct. 25), pp. 594-597 (2012) - B.-G. Zhang, G. Tanaka, L. Chen, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical modeling of chronic myeloid leukemia progression and the development of mutations,
Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (Philadelphia, Oct. 4-7, Oral, Oct. 4), pp. 130-135 (2012) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Phase Transitions in Complex Networks of Active and Inactive Oscillators,
Proc. the 5th Int. Sci. Conf. Physics and Control (Leon, Sep. 5-8, Oral, Sep. 7), IPACS Electronic library (2011) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Backpropagation Learning Algorithm for Multilayer Phasor Neural Networks,
The 16th Int. Conf. Neural Information Processing (ICONIP, Bangkok, Dec. 1-5, Dec. 4), In C.S. Leung, et al. (Eds.): ICONIP 2009, Part I, LNCS 5863, pp. 484-493, Springer, Heidelberg (2009) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
A Heuristic Approach to Graph Coloring Problems with Complex-Valued Neural Networks,
Proc. Int.~Symp.~Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Budapest, Sep. 7-10, Oral, Sep. 9), pp. 468-471 (2008) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Complex-valued Multistate Associative Memory with Nonlinear Multilevel Functions for Gray-level Image Reconstruction,
Proc. of IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI, HongKong, Jun. 1-6, Oral, Jun. 2), NN0854, CD-ROM (2008) - K. Aihara, G. Tanaka, T. Suzuki, and Y. Hirata,
A Hybrid Systems Approach to Hormonal Therapy of Prostate Cancer and its Nonlinear Dynamics,
Int. Conf. Noise and Fluctuations (Tokyo, Sep. 9-14), AIP Conf. Proc., vol. 922, pp. 479-482, Oral (2008) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara, Local and Global Bifurcations in a Mathematical Model of Intermittetnt Androgen Suppression Therapy for Prostate Cancer,
Proc. of the 19th Int. Conf. of Noise and Fluctuations (ICNF, Tokyo, Sep. 9-14, Oral), pp. 479-482 (2007) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Multistate associative memory with parametrically coupled circle maps,
Proc. of Asia-Pacific Conf. on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS, Tainan, Dec. 6-9, Oral), pp. 1017-1020 (2004) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
An Explosion of Chaotic Attractors in Two Coupled Logistic Maps,
Proc. of the 11th Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES, Scuol, May 18-21, Oral), pp. 275-278 (2003) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Combinatorial Optimization with Networks of Parametrically Coupled Sine Circle Maps,
Proc. of Int. Symp. on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Xian, Oct. 7-11), pp. 271-274 (2002) - G. Tanaka, S. Murashige, and K. Aihara,
Bifurcation Analysis of an Ocean Internal Wave Model,
Int. Symp. on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA, Miyagi, Oct. 28-Nov. 1), pp. 7-10 (2001)
⋄Books and tutorials
- 田中 剛平,
電子情報通信学会誌,知識の森,vol. 106, no. 6, p. 521 (2023). - G. Tanaka, C. Gallicchio, A. Micheli, J.-P. Ortega, and A. Hirose
Guest Editorial: Special Issue on New Frontiers in Extremely Efficient Reservoir Computing
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, vol. 33, issue 6, pp. 2571-2574 (2022). - 田中 剛平,中根 了昌,廣瀬 明
森北出版 ISBN: 978-4-627-85531-1 (2021). - 田中 剛平
映像情報メディア学会誌(知っておきたいキーワード),vol. 74, no. 3, pp. 532-534 (2020). - 田中 剛平,合原 一幸
数理科学,サイエンス社 2月号 (2020). - 中根 了昌,田中 剛平,廣瀬 明
日本磁気学会誌,12月号 (2019). - 田中 剛平
リザバーコンピューティングの概念と最近の動向 (Open Access 話題の記事),
電子情報通信学会誌 (小特集:リザバーコンピューティング), vol. 102, no. 2 (Feb. 2019), pp. 108-113 (2019). - 田中 剛平
細胞システムの動態と分岐理論 (pdf),
生物物理, vol. 56, no. 6, pp. 340-344 (2016). - 田中 剛平,
書評「複素ニューラルネットワーク第2版 (廣瀬 明著)」
数理科学,No. 643, p. 61 (2017). - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical Robustness of Complex Biological Networks,
In: (Eds) T. Ohira and T. Uzawa, Mathematical Approaches to Biological Systems: Networks, Oscillations, and Collective Motions, Springer, Chapter 2, pp. 29-53 (2015). - G. Tanaka,
Book Review on “Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Advances and Applications,”
IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 77-79 (2013). - 田中 剛平, 平田 祥人, 山田 泰司, 高橋 純, 合原 一幸,
泌尿器外科, vol. 24, no. 1, pp. 31-38 (2011). - 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
数理科学 (特集「複素数」), サイエンス社, 8月号, pp. 54-55 (2009). - 田中 剛平,
科学 (特集「非線形現象の工学応用に向けて」), 岩波書店, 11月号, pp. 1242-1245 (2008). - 田中 剛平,
「社会を変える驚きの数学」(合原一幸 編著), ウェッジ選書, pp. 193-197 (2008).
⋄International conferences
- G. Tanaka
Recent progress in reservoir computing: methods and applications
International Symposium on Physics and Applications of Laser Dynamics (IS-PALD), Keynote talk (2024). - G. Tanaka
Diversity-based neural networks: Towards filling the gap between artificial and natural systems
The 2nd International Workshop on Deep Learning meets Neuromorphic Hardware, ECML-PKDD (Vilnius), Keynote talk (2024) - R. Nakane and G. Tanaka
On-chip reservoir computing device utilizing spin waves: Numerical demonstration of temporal information processing toward edge computing
International Conference on Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering (ICNCE), Poster (2024) - H. Tamura, K. Fujiwara, K. Aihara, and G. Tanaka
Temporal information processing using Mahalanobis distance of reservoir states
International Symposium on Nonlinear Science and Medicine (ISNSM2024), Ito Hall, The University of Tokyo, Poster, Mar. 15 (2024) - H. Inoue, H. Tamura, A. Kitoh, X. Chen, Z. Byambadorj, T. Yajima, Y. Hotta, T. Iizuka, G. Tanaka, and I. H. Inoue
Tailoring oxygen diffusion dynamics in three-terminal devices for spiking reservoir computing
Memrisys 2023, Oral, Nov. 6 (2023) - G. Tanaka
Diverse-Timescale Echo State Networks for Multiscale Modeling
International Conference on Neuromorphic, Natural, and Physical Computing, Oral, Oct. 25 (2023) - S. Zheng and G. Tanaka
Inference of network structure in dynamic systems using a generative model
Dynamics Days US 2023, Poster (Online), Jan. 10 (2023) - A. Hirose, R. Nakane, and G. Tanaka
Reservoir computing: A framework to bring new interaction paradigm between neural dynamics and hardware
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (Hyderabad), Keynote talk, Aug. 25 (2022) - A. Hirose, R. Nakane, and G. Tanaka
Physical Reservoir Computing: Its Advantages and Significance
IEICE English Webinar, Apr. 26 (2022) - A. Hirose, H. Numata, J. B. Heroux, T. Yamane, D. Nakano, G. Tanaka, and R. Nakane
Physical reservoir computing frameworks utilizing optical or spin-wave dynamics
The 10th RIEC International Symposium on Brain Functions and Brain Computer, Invited talk, Feb. 19 (2022) - G. Tanaka and R. Nakane
Role of nonlinearity in memristive networks for reservoir computing
Memrisys 2021, Oral, Nov. 4 (2021) - G. Tanaka
Physical reservoir computing with nanotechnology,
IEEE International Nanodevices and Computing Conference (virtual), Invited talk, Sep. 24 (2021) - A. Hirose, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, J. B. Heroux, T. Yamane, H. Numata, and D.Nakano
Physical Reservoir Computing for Sensor Network Society with Energy Efficient Intelligence
Photonics in Electromagnetics Workshop (Sapporo, Online), Invited talk, Nov. 29 (2021) - A. Hirose, R. Nakane, J.B. Heroux, T. Yamane, H. Numata, D. Nakano, and G. Tanaka
Physical reservoir computing in neural-network hardware history: Dynamics features of spin-wave and optical reservoirs
The 9th RIEC International Symposium on Brain Functions and Brain Computer (BFBC) (Sendai, Online), Dec. 5 (2020) - G. Tanaka
Introduction to Physical RC,
International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems (ICONS Conference) (virtual, July 28-30), Invited talk, July 30 (2020) - J. B. Heroux, G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, N. Kanazawa, S. Takeda, H. Numata, D. Nakano, A. Hirose,
Time delay reservoir computing with VCSEL,
SPIE Photonics West, AI and Optical Data Science (Conference 11299), Keynote Presentation, Feb. 4 (2020) - A. Hirose, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka
Physical Reservoir Computing Devices: Truly Neural Hardware in the AI and Sensor-Network Era
International Conference on Neural Information Processing (Sydney, Dec. 12-15), Invited talk (2019) - A. Hirose, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka
Information processing hardware, physical reservoir computing and complex-valued neural networks
The 2019 International Meeting for Future of Electron Devices, Kansai (Kyoto, Nov. 14-15), Invited talk, Nov.14 (2019) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara
Dynamical Robustness and Resilience in Coupled Oscillator Networks
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (Snowbird, May 19-23), Minisymposium “MS18: Stability and Resilience in Natural Dynamical Systems,” Invited talk, May 19 (2019) - G. Tanaka
Bifurcation analysis for dynamical behavior in cell systems
1st Int. Symp. on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Integrative Understanding of Biological Signaling Networks (Tokyo, Feb. 1-2) Oral, Feb. 1, Abstract book, pp. 24-25 (2019) - G. Tanaka, R. Nakane, A. Hirose
Network Structure-Dependent Performance of Memristor-Based Reservoir Computing
Cognitive Computing – Merging Concepts with Hardware (Hannover, Dec. 18-20), Poster, Dec. 19 (2018) - R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, A. Hirose
Demonstration of spin-wave-based reservoir computing for next-generation machine-learning devices
International Conference on Magnetism (Moscone Center, San Francisco, July 15-20), Poster, B6-10 (2018) - G. Tanaka
Reservoir computing with memristor networks
The 3rd Workshop on Bio-inspired Energy-Efficient Information Systems (The University of Tokyo, Mar. 12), Oral (2018) - G. Tanaka
Sparse Optimization for Energy Efficient Neural Associative Memories
The 3rd Workshop on Bio-inspired Energy-Efficient Information Systems (The University of Tokyo, Mar. 12), Poster (2018) - Z. Tong and G. Tanaka
MNIST Image Classification by Reservoir Computing with Untrained Convolutional Neural Networks
The 3rd Workshop on Bio-inspired Energy-Efficient Information Systems (The University of Tokyo, Mar. 12), Poster (2018) - Z. Hei and G. Tanaka
Effect of spatial reservoir structures on the performance of reservoir computing
The 3rd Workshop on Bio-inspired Energy-Efficient Information Systems (The University of Tokyo, Mar. 12), Poster (2018) - Y. Takizawa, G. Tanaka,
A Cascading Failure Model in Power Network Systems with Imbalance between Supply and Demand
International School and Conference on Network Science (NetSciX-2018) (Hangzhou, Jan. 4-8), Poster, Jan. 6 (2018) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, T. Yuan, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical Robustness of Coupled Oscillator Networks
International workshop on analysis of phase dynamics and its application to biological phenomena (RCAST, The Univesity of Tokyo), Invited talk, June 30 (2017) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical Behavior in Coupled Heterogeneous Excitable Phase Oscillators
International workshop on analysis of phase dynamics and its application to biological phenomena (RCAST, The Univesity of Tokyo), Invited talk, June 30, (2017) - J. Almendral, T. Sasai, K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
The Importance of Assortativity to Improve Dynamical Robustness in Complex Networks
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (Snowbird, May 21-25), Oral, May 23, Abstract book, p. 120 (2017) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Spontaneous oscillation in coupled heterogeneous excitable phase oscillators
Dynamics Days US (Maryland, Jan. 4-6), Poster, Jan. 5 (2017) - G. Tanaka,
Bifurcation Analysis for Disease Models
School/Workshop on Applicable Theory of Switched Systems (University of Texas at Dallas, June 6-10), Invited talk, June 9 (2016) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara
Bifurcation analysis of coupled heterogeneous phase oscillators
Dynamics Days Europe (Corfu, Greece, June 6-10), Poster, June 7 (2016) - J. Almendral, T Sasai, K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara
Robustness of oscillatory behavior in correlated networks
Dynamics Days Europe (Corfu, Greece, June 6-10), Oral, June 7 (2016) - G. Tanaka,
Bifurcation Analysis for Cellular Systems – NF-kappaB signaling pathway
2016 A3 Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics and Biology (Peking University, Apr. 22-24), Invited talk, Apr. 22 (2016) - G. Tanaka,
Neural Associative Memory with Sparse Modular Structures
The 2nd Workshop on Bio-inspired Energy-Efficient Information Systems (The University of Tokyo, Mar. 2nd), Invited talk (2016) - G. Tanaka,
Network robustness and brain-inspired computing,
IBM Workshop on Brain-Inspired Computing (IBM Watson Research Center, New York, Apr. 29), Invited talk (2015) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Robustness of Networks Composed of Coupled Heterogeneous Excitable and Oscillatory Units,
Dynamics Days U.S. (Rice University, Houston, Jan. 9-11), Poster, Jan.10 (2015) - M. Nagata, N. Fujiwara, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, E. Kohda, and K. Aihara,
Effect of Path Length on Robustness in Power Grids,
Social Modeling and Simulations + Econophysics Colloquium 2014 (Kobe, Nov. 4-6), Poster, no. 4pPS9, Nov. 5 (2014) - M. Nagata, N. Fujiwara, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, E. Kohda and K. Aihara,
Relation between Robustness and Topology in Power Grids,
International School and Conference on Network Science (Carifornia, Jun. 4-6, 2014), Poster, no. 96, Jun. 5 (2014) - G. Tanaka,
Exploring Neural Networks with Sparse Connectivity for Information Processing,
Workshop on Bio-inspired Energy-efficient Information Systems (Tokyo, Jan. 10), Invited talk (2014) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Failure recovery in complex networks composed of active and inactive oscillators,
Network Frontier Workshop 2013 (Northwestern University, Dec. 4-6), Oral, Dec. 6 (2013) - G. Tanaka, C. Urabe, K. Aihara,
Epidemic spreading in metapopulation networks with heterogeneous infection risks,
EPIDEMICS 4 (Amsterdam, Nov. 19-22), Poster, Nov. 21 (2013) - B. Wang, G. Tanaka, H. Suzuki, K. Aihara,
Epidemic spread in interconnected metapopulation networks,
The 3rd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, Nov. 12-15), Book of Abstracts, p.126, Poster, Nov. 15 (2013) - I. Nishikawa, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Nonstandard scaling law of fluctuations in globally coupled oscillator systems,
The 3rd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, Nov. 12-15), Book of Abstracts, p.113, Poster, Nov. 15 (2013) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Effective strategy to recover global oscillation in damaged oscillator networks,
The 3rd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, Nov. 12-15), Book of Abstracts, p.112, Poster, Nov. 15 (2013) - G. Tanaka,
Epidemic Spreading in Metapopulation Networks and its Control: Theory and Applications,
The 3rd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, Nov.12-15), Book of Abstracts, pp. 38-39, Invited talk, Nov. 14 (2013) - S. Arai, Y. Matsunaga, J. Suehiro, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Primary Phenomenon in the Network Formation of Endothelial Cells: Effect of Charge,
The 3rd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, Nov. 12-15), Poster, Nov. 14 (2013) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, K. Aihara,
Dynamical Robustness of Complex Oscillator Networks,
The 33rd Dynamics Days Europe (Madrid, June 3-7), Book of Abstracts, p. 44, Oral, Jun. 3 (2013) - K. Tokuda, Y. Katori, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
A mathematical model for switching between representation of current places and reactivation of stored sequences in hippocampal pyramidal neurons,
JSPS Core-to-Core Program and Specially Promoted Research Joint Symposium (Tokyo, Mar. 26-27), Abstracts, C9, Poster, Mar. 27 (2013) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Theoretical study on recovery of dynamic behavior in damaged biological networks,
JSPS Core-to-Core Program and Specially Promoted Research Joint Symposium (Tokyo, Mar. 26-27), Abstracts, C10, Poster, Mar. 27 (2013) - T. Sasai, K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Effect of Assortativity on Dynamical Robustness of Oscillator Networks,
JSPS Core-to-Core Program and Specially Promoted Research Joint Symposium (Tokyo, Mar. 26-27), Abstracts, C11, Poster, Mar. 27 (2013) - G. Tanaka,
Robustness and fragility of dynamics on complex networks,
Int. Conf. on Towards Mathematical Foundations of Complex Network Theory (Kyoto, Sep. 14-16), Abstracts, I10, Invited talk, Sep. 16 (2012) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara,
Clustering in complex networks of coupled excitable and oscillatory phase oscillators,
Int. Conf. on Towards Mathematical Foundations of Complex Networks Theory (Kyoto, Sep. 14-16), Abstracts, P9, Poster, Sep, 15 (2012) - G. Tanaka, C. Urabe, and K. Aihara,
Epidemic Spreading in Heterogeneous Metapopulation Networks Composed of High-risk and Low-risk Patches,
Workshop of Epidemics on Networks: Current Trends and Challenges (Girona, Sep. 5-7), Book of Abstracts, pp. 62-64, Short talk and Poster, Sep. 6 (2012) - G. Tanaka,
Towards Understanding Robustness of Dynamics and Function in Neural Networks,
The 2nd International Workshop on Brain Inspired Computing (Tsukuba, Jun. 4-5), Abstracts, p. 9, Invited talk, Jun. 4 (2012) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Phase Transitions in Complex Networks Composed of Excitable and Oscillatory Elements,
The 2nd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, May 15-18), Abstracts, p. 86, Poster, May 16 (2012) - I. Nishikawa, K. Iwayama, G. Tanaka, T. Horita, and K. Aihara,
Effects of coupling schemes on finite size scaling in globally coupled phase oscillators,
The 2nd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, May 15-18), Abstracts, p. 85, Poster, May 16 (2012) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Dynamical Robustness in Complex Networks of Heterogeneous Oscillators,
The 2nd Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modelling (Tokyo, May 15-18), Abstracts, p. 79, Poster, May 15 (2012) - G. Tanaka,
Network robustness in populations of interacting biological oscillators,
ESF-JSPS Frontier Science Conference for Young Researchers, Mathematics for innovation: large and complex systems (Tokyo, Feb. 28-Mar. 4), Abstract book, pp. 122-123, Poster, Feb. 29, Oral, Mar. 3 (2012) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Bifurcation analyses of switched dynamical systems: applications to disease dynamics,
Workshop on Applied Dynamical Systems (Kyoto, Dec. 3-4), Oral, Dec. 3 (2011) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Nonlinear Dynamics in Mixed Populations of Periodic and Chaotic Oscillators,
Kyoto Workshop on NOLTA (Kyoto, Nov. 30), Poster (2011) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Aging Transitions in Multi-layer Networks of Coupled Oscillators, IUTAM Symposium on 50 Years of Chaos: Applied and Theoretical (Kyoto, 28-Dec. 2), Poster, Nov. 30 (2011) - G. Tanaka, H. Cao, and K. Aihara,
Aging Transitions in a Network of Neural Oscillators,
Int. Conf. Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM) (Vancouver, Jul. 18-22), Poster, Jul. 19 (2011) - G. Tanaka, K. Morino, and K. Aihara,
Robustness of Scale-free Networks of Oscillators against Partial Inactivation,
The 1st Int. Symp. on Innovative Mathematical Modlling (Tokyo, Feb. 28-Mar. 2), Poster, Mar. 1 (2011) - K. Morino, G. Tanaka, and K. Aihara,
Robustness of Multi-Layer Networks Composed of Mixed Oscillators,
Dynamics Days U.S. (North Carolina, Jan. 5-8), Poster, Jan. 6 (2011) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Mathematical Modelling of Prostatic Tumor Growth under Intermittent Hormone Therapy,
Workshop on Mathematical Modeling of Prostate Cancer (Santa Fe, Jul. 30-31), Invited talk, Jul. 31 (2010) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Nonlinear Dynamics and Bifurcations in a Hybrid Dynamical System of Infectious Disease,
The 3rd Int. Conf. on Dynamics, Vibration, and Control (Hanzhou, May 12-14), Poster, May 12 (2010) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Effect of Aging on Dynamics in Small-World Networks of Rossler Oscillators,
Dynamics Days U.S. (Evanston, Jan. 4-7), Poster, Jan. 5 (2010) - G. Tanaka, S. Tsuji, and K. Aihara,
Grazing-Induced Crisis of a Chaotic Attractor in Hybrid Dynamical Systems,
Dynamics Days U.S. (San Diego, Jan. 8-11), Poster, Jan. 9 (2009) - G. Tanaka, S. Tsuji, and K. Aihara
Effects of Noise on a Hybrid Systems Model of Intermittent Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer,
Int. Conf. Stochastic Resonance (Perugia, Aug. 17-21), Abstract book, p. 47, Oral, Aug. 20 (2008) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Bifurcation Analysis of a Hybrid System and its Application to Biomedical Science,
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: Advances and Perspectives (Aberdeen, Sep. 17-21), Oral, Sep. 17 (2007) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Local and Global Bifurcations in a Mathematical Model of Intermittetnt Androgen Suppression Therapy for Prostate Cancer,
The 2nd Int. Conf. on Dynamics, Vibration, and Control (Beijing, Aug. 23-26), Oral, Aug. 24 (2006) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Deterministic Coherence Resonance in Coupled Neural Oscillators,
Dynamics Days U.S. (Maryland), Poster, Jan. 4 (2006) - G. Tanaka,
Synchronization and Propagation of Bursts in Networks of Coupled Neurons,
Int. Workshop on Synchronization: Phenomena and Analyses (Tokyo, Oct. 3-6), Oral (2006) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Deterministic Coherence Resonance in Networks of Coupled Chaotic Neural Oscillators,
BIOCOMP (Salerno, Dec. 12-16), Poster (2005) - G. Tanaka
Coupling-Induced Coherence Resonance without Noise,
Int. Symp. Complexity Modelling and its Applications (Tokyo, Nov. 21-23), Oral, Nov. 23 (2005) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Applications of Bifurcations to Associative Memory Models,
Int. Conf. Recent Advances in Bifurcation Theory and Applications of Dynamical Systems (Jinhua, Jun. 8-12), Poster (2005) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Chaotic Transitions between Synchronous and Propagating Bursts in Coupled Map Neurons,
The 2nd Shanghai Int. Symp. on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications (Shanghai, Jun. 3-7), Oral (2005) - G. Tanaka and K. Aihara,
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in a Network of Bursting Maps with Ring Structure, Oscillation, Chaos, and Network Dynamics in Nonlinear Science (OCNN, Kyoto, Nov. 25-28), Poster (2004) - G. Tanaka, S. Murashige, and K. Aihara,
Period-Adding Phenomena in Symmetric Dynamical Systems, New Directions in Dynamical Systems (Kyoto, Aug. 5-15), Poster (2002)
⋄National conferences and meetings
- 福原 陸翔, 田中 剛平, 鈴木 圭, 菅谷 みどり
情報処理学会 第210回 ヒューマンコンピュータインタラクション研究会, 口頭発表, 11月19日 (2024) - 井上 悠, 田村 浩人, 鬼頭 愛, シャンユ チェン, ゾルボー, ビャムバドルジ, 矢嶋 赳彬, 堀田 育志, 飯塚 哲也, 田中 剛平, 井上 公
電子情報通信学会 磁気記録・情報ストレージ研究会(MRIS),招待講演,11月1日 (2024) - T. Fujioka and G. Tanaka
Vector font generation with transformer
2024 IRCN Retreat (Makuhari International Training center), Poster, Oct. 24 (2024) - Z. Li, K. Fujiwara, and G. Tanaka
A genetic approach for designing network topologies ofmultiple reservoir echo state networks
2024 IRCN Retreat (Makuhari International Training center), Poster, Oct. 24 (2024) - K. Nogami and G. Tanaka
Federated learning based on reservoir computing for anomaly detection
2024 IRCN Retreat (Makuhari International Training center), Poster, Oct. 24 (2024) - 田中 剛平
第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, シンポジウム「新材料・新原理を活⽤した物理リザバーコンピューティングの社会応⽤に向けて」, 招待講演, 19p-A41-4, 9月19日 (2024) - 井上 悠, 田村 浩, 鬼頭 愛, チェン シャンユ, ビャムバドルジ ゾルボー, 矢嶋 赳彬, 堀田 育志, 飯塚 哲也, 田中 剛平, 井上 公
第85回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会, 16p-A33-2, 口頭発表, 9月16日 (2024) - 田中 剛平
光ネットワーク産業・技術研究会, 研究会「光コンピューティングの新たな展望」, 招待講演, 3月19日 (2024) - 田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 総合大会 シンポジウムセッション「ニューロモルフィック・リザーバーコンピューティングの現状と未来」, 招待講演, 3月6日 (2024) - 馬場 浩平, 藤原 寛太郎, 田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会, 口頭発表, 1月25日, 信学技報, vol. 123, no. 354, NLP2023-116, pp. 153-157 (2024) - 田中 剛平
第15回Nagoyaオープンイノベーション研究会, 依頼講演, 9月22日 (2023) - Z. Li, K. Fujiwara, and G. Tanaka
Identity Recognition with Bidirectional Echo State Networks from Continuous Blood Pressure Data
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neural Network Society, Oral, Sep. 5 (2023) - H. Tamura, K. Fujiwara, K. Aihara, G. Tanaka
Mahalanobis Distance of Reservoir States for Highly-Efficient Time-Series Classification
The 33rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neural Network Society, Poster, Sep. 5 (2023) - 田中 剛平
第15回 AI Optics研究グループ研究会, オンライン, 招待講演, 3月17日 (2023) - 田中 剛平
日本生理学会第100回記念大会, 100周年記念事業委員会企画シンポジウム「AIが切り開く医学・生理学・生命科学の新展開」 (京都国際会館), 招待講演, 3月15日 (2023) - 田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会総合大会, チュートリアルセッション「NBT-1. 次世代ネットワークを支える数理モデルの展開」 (芝浦工大), 招待講演, 3月8日 (2023) - Wenrui Qiu, Gouhei Tanaka
Indoor air quality prediction using multi-reservoir echo state network with attention mechanism
電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会, 口頭発表(オンライン), 1月29日, 信学技報, vol. 122, no. 373, NLP2022-106, pp. 135-140 (2023) - 田中 剛平
東京大学「未来協創工学」社会連携講座 第6回研究会, オンライン, 招待講演, 10月12日 (2022) - 田中 剛平
生理研研究会「第2回 人工知能技術と科学の強調と展開」, オンライン, 招待講演, 7月15日 (2022) - Hiroto Tamura, Gouhei Tanaka, Kantaro Fujiwara
Memory Saving Time Series Anomaly Detection Using Mahalanobis Distance of Reservoir States
Neuro2022, 口頭発表, 7月1日, 2O09a1-02 (2022) - 鶴海 杭之,田中 剛平
スパイキングニューラルネットワークとreward-modulated STDPによるリザバーコンピューティング
電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会, ハイブリッド, 口頭発表, 6月9日, NLP2022-7, pp. 31-35 (2022) - 品川 大樹,藤原 寛太郎,田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会, オンライン, 口頭発表, 3月29日, NLP2021-140, pp.71-76 (2022) - 渡邊 隆二,田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会, オンライン, 口頭発表, 3月29日, NLP2021-141, pp.77-82 (2022) - 加藤 准也,田中 剛平,中根 了昌,廣瀬 明
電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会, オンライン, 口頭発表, 3月2日, NC2021-47, pp.5-10 (2022) - J. Chen, R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, and A. Hirose
Basic Properties of Film-penetrating Transducers for a Spin-wave Reservoir Computing Chip
電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会, オンライン, 口頭発表, 3月2日, NC2021-56, pp.50-55(2022) - 中根 了昌,廣瀬 明,田中 剛平
第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 青学大+オンライン, 口頭発表, 3月23日, 23p-E102-1 (2022) - 田中 剛平
第45回光機能磁性材料・デバイス専門研究会「AI技術の基礎と応用」, 招待講演(オンライン), 1月17日 (2022) - 田中 剛平
ネットワーク科学研究会2021, 統計数理研究所, 招待講演(オンライン), 12月12日 (2021) - 田中 剛平
コンピューテーショナル・インテリジェンス・フォーラム2021 (オンライン), 計測自動制御学会, 招待講演, 12月10日 (2021) - 中根 了昌,廣瀬 明,田中 剛平
第81回スピントロニクス専門研究会, AIインフォマティクスを活用したスピントロニクス研究の最前線, 招待講演, 11月19日 (2021) - 田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 Webinarテクノロジートレンドシリーズ, 依頼講演, 9月10日 (2021) - 田村 浩人,田中 剛平
第30回日本神経回路学会全国大会 (オンライン),口頭発表 & ポスター O1-04 ,12月2日, アブストラクト集 pp.85-86 (2020) - 鈴木雄大,田中 剛平
第30回日本神経回路学会全国大会 (オンライン),ポスター発表 P1-24,12月2日 (2020) - 田中 剛平
応用物理学会 システムデバイスロードマップ委員会(SDRJ) (オンライン),依頼講演,10月30日 (2020) - 田中 剛平
第41回IBISML研究会 (オンライン,10月20-22日),招待講演,10月21日, IBISML2020-22, p.40 (2020) - 廣瀬明、田中剛平、中根了昌
応用物理学会講演会 (オンライン), 9月9日 (2020) - G. Tanaka and A. Hirose
High-dimensional neurodynamics and its applications in neuro-based hardware
FY2019 RIEC Annual Meeting on Cooperative Research Projects (Tohoku Univ), Feb. 20 (2020) - 田中 剛平
学振151委員会「先端ナノデバイス・材料テクノロジー」(理化学研究所),招待講演,1月23日 (2020) - H. Tamura, K. Fujiwara, and G. Tanaka
Convergence Analysis of FORCE Learning Algorithm for Reservoir Computing
Winter Workshop on Mechanism of Brain and Mind 2020 (ルスツ), Poster, Jan. 8 (2020) - 廣瀬 明,武田 征士,ヘロー・ジャンベノ,沼田 英俊,金澤 直輝,山根 敏志,中野 大樹,中根 了昌,田中 剛平
Optics & Photonics Japan 2019 (Osaka, 2019年12月2-5日), 招待講演, 12月4日 (2019) - 田中 剛平
人工知能学会合同研究会 ナチュラルコンピューティング研究会(慶応大学),招待講演,11月22日 (2019) - 品川 大樹,田中 剛平
第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ(名古屋, 2019年11月20-22日),ポスター発表,1-059 (2019) - 田中 剛平
非ノイマン型情報処理へ向けたデバイス技術分科会(大手町),一般社団法人 電子情報技術産業協会(JEITA), 招待講演, 10月16日 (2019) - R. Nakane, G. Tanaka, A. Hirose
Machine-learning computation utilizing spin waves
第43回 日本磁気学会学術講演会 (2019年9月25-27日),口頭発表,9月27日, 招待講演, 発表番号27pB-1 (2019) - 廣瀬 明,武田 征士,金澤 直輝,沼田 英俊,山根 敏志,中野 大樹,中根 了昌,田中 剛平
第29回日本神経回路学会全国大会(東工大,9月3-6日),口頭発表,9月4日,発表番号 O1-21 (2019) - 市村 剛大,中根 了昌,田中 剛平,廣瀬 明
第29回日本神経回路学会全国大会(東工大,9月3-6日),ポスター発表,9月4日,発表番号 P1-30 (2019) - 田中 剛平,
大阪大学非線形数理セミナー, 招待講演, 6月26日 (2019) - 市村 剛大, 中根 了昌, 田中 剛平, 廣瀬 明
電子情報通信学会総合大会 (早稲田大学, 3月19-22日), 口頭発表, 3月20日, 発表番号 CS-2-8 (2019) - 廣瀬 明, 田中 剛平, 他7名
電子情報通信学会総合大会 (早稲田大学, 3月19-22日), 依頼講演, 3月20日, 発表番号 CS-2-7 (2019) - 中根 了昌, 田中 剛平, 廣瀬 明
応用物理学会春季学術講演会 (東京工業大学, 3月9-12日), 口頭発表, 3月12日, 発表番号 12p-W933-10 (2019) - 市村 剛大, 中根 了昌, 田中 剛平, 廣瀬 明
電子情報通信学会 ニューロコンピューティング研究会 (電気通信大学, 3月4-6日), 口頭発表, 3月5日, 電子情報通信学会 信学技報, NC2018-66, pp. 121-126 (2019) - 廣瀬 明, 田中 剛平,武田 征士,山根 敏志,沼田 英俊,金澤 直輝,ヘロー・ジャンベノ,中野 大樹,中根 了昌
電子情報通信学会総合大会 (早稲田大学, 3月19-22日), 依頼講演, 3月20日, 発表番号 CS-2-7 (2019) - 田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 複雑コミュニケーションサイエンス研究会 (神戸大学,11月22-23日), 招待講演, 11月22日, 電子情報通信学会 信学技報, CCS2018-39 (2018) - 秋山 貴則, 田中 剛平
多段階学習Echo state networkによる非線形時系列予測
情報論的学習理論と機械学習研究会 (IBISML, 札幌, 11月4-7日), ポスター発表, 11月5日, 電子情報通信学会 信学技報, IBISML2018-83 (2018) - Z. Tong and G. Tanaka
3D-skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition with a Combination of Random Convolutional Networks and Echo State Networks
情報論的学習理論と機械学習研究会 (IBISML, 札幌, 11月4-7日), ポスター発表, 11月5日, 電子情報通信学会 信学技報, IBISML2018-99 (2018) - G. Tanaka
Recent advances in physical reservoir computing
The 3rd Neuromorphic Research Retreat in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Oct. 31), Invited talk (2018) - G. Tanaka
Mathematical approach to energy efficient neural information processing
The 2nd Neuromorphic Research Retreat in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Feb. 17), Invited talk (2018) - 田中 剛平
平成29年度 第4回ブレインウェア研究会(東北大学電気通信研究所, 2月7日), 招待講演 (2018) - 田中 剛平
第27回数理生物学会2017(北海道大学, 10月6-8日), 企画シンポジウム「生物データと数理解析・モデリング」招待講演, 要旨集 p. 60 (2017) - 瀧澤 雄登, 田中 剛平
電子情報通信学会 非線形問題研究会 (宮古島, 7月13-14日) 口頭発表, 7月14日, 信学技報, vol. 117, no. 121, NLP2017-39, pp. 63-66 (2017) - 田中 剛平, 中根 了昌, 山根 敏志, 中野 大樹, 武田 征士, 中川 茂, 廣瀬 明
電子情報通信学会2017年総合大会 (名城大学, 3月21-25日), 口頭発表, DS-2-3, 3月22日 (2017) - 山根 敏志, 武田 征士, 中野 大樹, 田中 剛平, 中根 了昌, 廣瀬 明, 中川 茂
電子情報通信学会2017年総合大会 (名城大学, 3月21-25日), 口頭発表, DS-2-4, 3月22日 (2017) - 武田 征士, 山根 敏志, 中野 大樹, 田中 剛平, 中根 了昌, 廣瀬 明, 中川 茂
電子情報通信学会2017年総合大会 (名城大学, 3月21-25日), 口頭発表, DS-2-5, 3月22日 (2017) - 廣瀬 明, 武田 征士, 田中 剛平, 中根 了昌, 山根 敏志, 中野 大樹, 中川 茂
電子情報通信学会2017年総合大会 (名城大学, 3月21-25日), 口頭発表, DS-2-6, 3月22日 (2017) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸
日本物理学会 第71回年次大会 (大阪大学, 3月17-20日), 口頭発表, 20aB31-5, 3月20日 (2017) - 田中 剛平
第219回有機エレクトロニクス材料研究会 (東京大学先端科学技術研究センター, 10月12日), 招待講演 (2016) - G. Tanaka,
Metapopulation epidemic models with heterogeneous patches,
The 2016 annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology (JSMB2016) (Kyushu University, Sep. 7-9), Invited talk, Sep. 7, Abstract book, p.60 (2016) - K. Inoue, H. Shinohara, G. Tanaka, K. Aihara, M. Okada-Hatakeyama,
Mathematical model for NF-kB signal transduction system,
The 2016 annual meeting of The Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology (JSMB2016) (Kyushu University, Sep. 7-9), Poster, Sep. 7, Abstract book, p.205 (2016) - 田中 剛平
細胞システムの動態と論理VIII (理化学研究所, 4月14-15日), 招待講演, 4月15日 (2016) - G. Tanaka,
Stability and Bifurcation Analysis of an NF-kB pathway model,
The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society of Japan (日本生物物理学会) (Kanazawa University, Sep. 13-15), Oral, Sep. 13 (2015) - Z. Tong and G. Tanaka,
A Comparison between Pruning and Regularization for Feedforward Neural Networks
The 29th Workhshop on Circuits and Systems (回路とシステムワークショップ) (Awaji Yumebutai International Conference Center, Aug. 3-4), Oral, Aug. 3 (2015) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本物理学会 第70回年次大会 (早稲田大学, 3月21-24日), ポスター発表, 3月21日 (2015) - 山根 敏志,田中 剛平, 中野 大樹, 中根 了昌, 片山 泰尚,
第17回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ (名古屋大学, 11月16-19日), ポスター発表, 11月18日 (2014) - 笹井 健行, 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
複雑ネットワークサマースクール (東北大学, 8月18-21日), 口頭発表, O-B2, 8月19日 (2014) - 田中 剛平,
計測自動制御学会 第1回制御部門マルチシンポジウム (電気通信大学, 3月4-7日), 口頭発表, 6D3-1, 3月6日 (2014) - 田中 剛平, 占部 千由, 合原 一幸,
文科省Workshop「感染症流行モデリング:理論,実践とシミュレーションのギャップを埋める」 (東京大学, 10月23日), アブストラクト集,pp. 35-36, 口頭発表 (2013) - 占部 千由, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
文科省Workshop「感染症流行モデリング:理論,実践とシミュレーションのギャップを埋める」 (東京大学, 10月23日), アブストラクト集, pp. 23-24, 口頭発表 (2013) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本物理学会 2013年秋季大会 (徳島大学, 9月25-28日), 概要集, p. 284, ポスター発表, no. 28aPS-55, 9月28日 (2013) - 占部 千由, 田中 剛平, 他6名,
日本物理学会 2013年秋季大会 (徳島大学, 9月25-28日), 概要集, p. 281, ポスター発表, no. 28aPS-36, 9月28日 (2013) - 竹内 大樹, 田中 剛平, 藤江 遼, 合原 一幸, 鈴木 秀幸,
日本数理生物学会第23回年会 (静岡大学, 9月11-13日), 講演要旨集, p. 177, ポスター発表, P-18, 9月12日 (2013) - 占部 千由, 田中 剛平, 藤原 直哉, A. Sonawane, 平田 祥人, 合原 一幸,
日本数理生物学会第23回年会 (静岡大学, 9月11-13日), 講演要旨集, p. 49, 口頭発表, 9月11日 (2013) - 西川 功, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本物理学会 2013年春季大会 (広島大学, 3月26-29日), 口頭発表, 27pXM-6, 3月27日 (2013) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本物理学会 2012年秋季大会 (横浜国立大学, 9月18-21日), 口頭発表, 21aAE-10, 9月18日 (2012) - 田中 剛平, 森野 佳生, 合原 一幸,
日本生物物理学会第50回年会 (名古屋大学, 9月22-24日), 予稿集, 1SC-04, 口頭発表, 9月22日 (2012) - 田中 剛平, 占部 千由, 合原 一幸,
日本数理生物学会第22回大会 (岡山大学, 9月10-12日), 口頭発表, 9月11日 (2012) - 田中 剛平,
東北大学CMRU研究会「ネットワークから見る生命」 (東北大学, 12月21-23日), 招待講演, 12月22日 (2011) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本物理学会秋季大会 (富山大学, 9月21-24日), 口頭発表, 9月23日 (2011) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本数理生物学会第21回大会 (明治大学, 9月13-15日), ポスター発表, 9月13日 (2011) - 森野 佳生, 田中 剛平, 合原 一幸,
日本物理学会 第66回年次大会 (新潟大学, 3月25-28日), 口頭発表, 3月25日 (2011) - 田中 剛平
東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究研究会, 複素ニューラルネットワークの実用化 (東北大学, 12月21-22日), 口頭発表,12月21日 (2010) - 田中 剛平,
Nonlinear Information Processing with Complex-Valued Neural Networks,
研究集会「複素力学系とその関連分野の総合的研究」 (京都大学数理解析研究所, 12月6-10日), 口頭発表, 12月6日 (2010) - 田中 剛平
Kagoshima Workshop on Nonlinear and Nonequilibrium Dynamics (鹿児島大学, 10月15-17日), 口頭発表, 10月16日 (2010) - 田中 剛平
力学系研究集会「理論から応用へ, 応用から理論へ」 (京都大学数理解析研究所, 9月27-30日), 招待講演, 9月30日 (2010) - 田中 剛平
東北大学電気通信研究所共同プロジェクト研究研究会 複素ニューラルネットワークの実用化 (東北大学, 12月15-16日), 口頭発表, 12月15日 (2009) - 田中 剛平,
第16回科学技術交流フォーラム「複雑系科学技術」 (東京大学, 9月7日), 招待講演 (2009) - 田中 剛平,
鹿児島非線形物理セミナー (鹿児島大学), 口頭発表, 3月16日 (2009) - 岡田 祐典, 田中 剛平, 河野 崇, 合原 一幸,
電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol. 109, no. 269 (NLP2009-118), pp.203-208 (2009) - 田中 剛平, 辻 繁樹, 合原 一幸,
NOLTA 秋の学校 (和歌山, 10月24-26日), 口頭発表 (2008) - 田中 剛平,合原 一幸,
電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol. 107, no. 478, pp. 13-18 (2008) - 島田 尚, 他9名,
第94回日本泌尿器科学会総会, ポスター発表, MP-533 (2006) - 田中 剛平,合原 一幸,
電子情報通信学会技術報告, vol. 103, no. 334, pp. 73-78 (2003)
- 出願番号:特願2021-206366, 特開2023-091563, 発明者:廣瀬 明, 田中 剛平, 中根 了昌, 加藤 准也, 発明の名称:情報処理システム、情報処理方法及びプログラム, 出願人:国立大学法人 東京大学, 出願日:2021年12月20日
- 出願番号:特願2018-015957,特開2019-134100,発明者:廣瀬 明,田中 剛平,中根 了昌,発明の名称:情報処理デバイス,出願人:国立大学法人 東京大学,出願日:2018年1月31日
- 特願2013-169914,特開2015-038708,発明者:合原 一幸, 田中 剛平, 占部千由,発明の名称:感染症対策プログラム,感染症対策装置および感染症対策方法,出願人:国立大学法人 東京大学,出願日:2015年8月19日
- The 70th Japan Society of Applied Physics Spring Meeting 2023 Highlighted Presentations Press Release, “Demonstrating the potential of spin-wave-generating devices for high-performance physical reservoir computing,” Apr. 18, 2023
- The Science News: “Group from the University of Tokyo improves time series prediction performance in artificial neural networks,” Sep. 14, 2022.
- UTokyo Research “The importance of non-hub elements” 2012年4月19日
- 日経産業新聞 「ネットワークの中継点−“つながり少ない”重要」2012年2月6日
- 日刊工業新聞 「故障耐性で基礎理論」 2012年2月6日
- 読売新聞 「感染1割減⇒ワクチン1600万人分の効果」 2009年9月24日
- 田中 剛平
2024年度未踏ターゲット事業 有識者講演(講師:香取、田中), 2月27日 (2024) - 田中 剛平
リザバーコンピューティング技術セミナー(講師:香取、田中), 7月21日 (2023) - G. Tanaka,
Metapopulation Epidemic Models,
Summer boot camp of infectious disease modeling (organized by Prof. Nishiura), lecture, Aug. 9 (2019) - G. Tanaka,
Metapopulation Epidemic Models,
Summer boot camp of infectious disease modeling (organized by Prof. Nishiura), lecture, Aug. 9 (2018) - G. Tanaka,
Metapopulation Epidemic Models,
Summer boot camp of infectious disease modeling (organized by Prof. Nishiura), lecture, Aug. 9 (2017) - G. Tanaka,
Metapopulation Epidemic Models,
Summer boot camp of infectious disease modeling (organized by Prof. Nishiura), lecture, Aug. 9 (2016) - G. Tanaka,
Network Robustness Analysis Using Bifurcating Units,
School of Science, Beijing Jiaotong University (hosted by Prof. Hongjun Cao), Invited talk, Apr. 21 (2016) - 田中 剛平,
感染症サマースクール, 講義, 8月9日 (2015) - 田中 剛平,
感染症サマースクール, 講義, 8月9日 (2014) - 田中 剛平,
大阪府立大学非線形物理学セミナー, Invited talk, Mar. 5th (2012) - 田中 剛平,
数理助教の会, Invited talk, Oct. 6th (2011) - G. Tanaka,
Dynamical Robustness in Complex Oscillator Networks,
Seminar at Prof. Miguel A. F. Sanjuan group, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid/Spain, Invited talk, Sep. 15 (2011) - G. Tanaka,
Phase Transitions in Complex Networks of Activeand Inactive Oscillators,
Seminar at Complex Systems Group, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid/Spain, Invited talk, Sep. 9 (2011) - G. Tanaka,
Bifurcation Analysis on a Hybrid Systems Model of Intermittent Hormonal Therapy for Prostate Cancer,
Seminar at Prof. Michael Small group, Hongkong Polytechnique University, HongKong, Oral, Jun. 4th (2008) - G. Tanaka,
Collective Skipping: Aperiodic Phase Locking in Ensembles of Coupled Bursting Oscillators,
Seminar at Prof. Zhu-Jun Jing group, Chinese Academy of Science, China, Oral, Aug. 28th (2006) - G. Tanaka,
Collective Skipping: Aperiodic Phase Locking in Ensembles of Coupled Bursting Oscillators,
Seminar at Prof. Miguel A. F. Sanjuan group, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, Invited talk, Jul. 10 (2006) - G. Tanaka,
Local and Global Bifurcations in a Mathematical Model of Intermittent Androgen Suppression Therapy for Prostate Cancer,
Seminar at Prof. Mikhailov group, Flitz-Haber-Institute, Germany, Oral, Jun. 22 (2006)